In a pesticide manufacturing and formulating facility, 10 employees ou
t of 48 were shown to have haematuria on dipstick testing. They includ
ed seven of the 27 production workers, all of whom had worked in both
of two particular areas prior to the commencement of the routine urine
testing. Five of the seven production workers with haematuria underwe
nt further investigations, and in all five the haematuria was glomerul
ar in origin. Two underwent renal biopsy, which showed irregular atten
uation or the glomerular basement membrane (GEM) but no abnormality by
light microscopy. Immunofluorescence studies were negative. This case
series of glomerular haematuria is not readily explained by chance, f
alse positive dipstick testing, or a recognizable non-occupational cau
se. Thin GEM disease, which is a benign condition, appears the likely
explanation. Thin GEM disease is usually an autosomal dominant conditi
on, but clustering of these genotypes in this small population is impr