The Sr. Cassian formation of northern Italy contains an unsurpassed di
versity of Triassic organisms, often with original or only slightly re
crystallized shells. The shell microstructure of Patella costulata Mun
ster, 1869, is examined and compared with the shell microstructures of
14 extant gastropod limpet taxa. The distribution of shell structure
characters supports the assignment of P. costulata to the patellogastr
opod taxon Patellidae. St. Cassian facies also include near-shore envi
ronments that are consistent with the habitat of extant Patella specie
s. The corroboration of Patella costulata as a member of the Patelloga
stropoda reduces the hiatus between estimated origination and the prev
ious unequivocal first occurrence by a minimum of 116 Ma.