A 64-year-old woman (gravida 0, para 0) had a unilateral ovarian mass
measuring 14 cm in its greatest diameter, which was mostly solid, Micr
oscopically, the tumour was characterized by two predominant prolifera
ting patterns: a carcinoid-like pattern with trabecular, tubular, glan
dular, or insular arrangements and a closely packed nesting pattern wi
th central coagulation necrosis and occasional glandular arrangements.
These two patterns were intermingled, and numerous mitotic figures we
re present. Electron microscopy showed neurosecretory granules in the
cells, which were argyrophilic and positive for neuroendocrine markers
(chromogranin, leu 7, neuron-specific enolase, and synaptophysin). Th
e tumour was aneuploid by flow cytometry. The patient received chemoth
erapy postoperatively, developed brain and multiple bone metastases an
d died of disease 10 months after surgery. This tumour must be disting
uished from other small cell neoplasms, especially ovarian small cell
carcinoma of the hypercalcaemic type.