Background. In the setting of arterial injury, thrombin contributes to
the hemostatic process by activating the coagulation cascade and plat
elets. We hypothesized that thrombin also contributes to hemostasis by
inducing vasospasm. The purpose of this investigation was to characte
rize the cellular signaling mechanisms that modulate thrombin-induced
vascular smooth muscle contractions. Methods. Contractile responses of
intact bovine carotid artery smooth muscles were determined in a musc
le bath. Contractile responses were correlated with phosphorylation ev
ents as determined with whole cell phosphorylation and two-dimensional
gel electrophoresis and with immunoblotting of glycerol-urea or two-d
imensional gels. Results. Thrombin (1 to 1000 units/ml) induced sustai
ned vascular smooth muscle contractions of similar magnitude as the po
tent contractile agonist, endothelin. Thrombin-induced contractions we
re associated with increases in the phosphorylation of the myosin ligh
t chains (MLC20) and in the tyrosine phosphorylation of mitogen-activa
ted protein kinase. Conclusions. These data suggest that thrombin is a
potent physiologic contractile agonist that may modulate some forms o
f vasospasm. Thrombin-induced contractions are associated with the act
ivation of two cellular signaling pathways, the: myosin light chain ki
nase and the mitogen-activated protein kinase pathways.