The prevalence and type of sexual dysfunction in patients with functio
nal gastrointestinal (GI) disorders involving the upper (functional dy
spepsia) or lower GI tract (irritable bowel syndrome) were studied in
683 patients seen at a tertiary referral center and a comparison group
of 247 community volunteers. Associations between sexual dysfunction
and type and severity of GI symptoms, and psychological symptoms were
examined. All subjects were evaluated with a validated bowel syndrome
questionnaire, which included questions about sexual function. Psychol
ogical symptom severity was assessed by SCL-90R, The prevalence of sel
f-reported sexual dysfunction in patients with functional GI disorders
was 43.3% and did not differ by gender, age stratification or disease
subtype: irritable bowel syndrome (IBS); non-ulcer dyspepsia (NUD), a
nd IBS+NUD, In the comparison subjects without IBS symptoms and those
with IBS symptoms but not seeking health care (IBS non-patients), the
reported sexual dysfunction prevalence was significantly lower (16.1 a
nd 24.4 %, respectively, p < 0.005). Decreased sexual drive was the sy
mptom most commonly reported by both male (36.2%) and female (28.4%) p
atients. Dyspareunia was reported by 16.4% of females and 4% of males
with IBS, but was rarely observed in patients with NUD. Report of sexu
al dysfunction was positively associated with perceived GI symptom sev
erity, but not with psychological symptom severity. Sexual dysfunction
should be incorporated into the quality-of-life assessment of patient
s with functional GI disorders and addressed in future outcome studies