This paper extends previous work, where a single barber-pole magnetore
sistor (MR) was employed for measuring simultaneously two magnetic fie
ld components, The present work differs from the previous one in emplo
ying a single unbiased MR, which is simpler and less expensive, The pr
esent arrangement, Like the previous one, relies on a rotating excitat
ion method, A specially devised elliptically rotating field is employe
d for this purpose, The latter causes the material magnetization to ro
tate uniformly when there is no external field present. The presence o
f an external magnetic field is detected by measuring the time shifts
of the resulting MR ac output zero-crossings, Despite the similarity b
etween the present system and its previous counterpart, the sensitivit
ies of detection of the present arrangement are equal for the two orth
ogonal components of the externally measured field, It is also interes
ting that the intensities of the sinusoidal excitation fields in the p
resent case are equal, However, the excitation coils are not perpendic
ular to each other as they were in the previous barber-pole case.