A 72-old-man with a dramatic weight loss, exhibited a mononeuritis mul
tiplex of subacute onset, and myalgia. There was hypoesthesia and weak
ness on median and ulnar nerves bilaterally and weakness on left femor
al nerve. Electrodiagnostical studies showed an axonal pattern of neur
opathy. There was a considerable hypereosinophilia on blood count whit
hout any aetiologia found on exhaustive explorations. The idiopathic h
ypereosinophilic syndrome with a mononeuritis multiplex was suggested.
Histological findings were an acute myelino-axonal degeneration with
endoneural oedema, without vasculitis nor eosinophil cell on nerve-bio
psy Dramatic improvement occured with corticosteroids and immunosuppre
ssive treatment.