Motor behaviour relies on complex neurochemical interactions in the ba
sal ganglia, in particular the striatum. Antagonistic influences in th
is region are exerted by afferent projections from, on the one hand, t
he ventral mesencephalon, utilizing dopamine as a transmitter, and, on
the other hand, from the cerebral cortex, signalling by the excitator
y amino acid glutamate. The activity in both these neuronal population
s appears to be regulated by the neuropeptide cholecystokinin. This ar
ticle concentrates on interactions between cholecystokinin and glutama
te, summarizing some recent morphological, biochemical and behavioural
findings. It is suggested that cholecystokinin, acting via the cholec
ystokinin(B) receptor, potentiates the glutamatergic excitatory input
to the striatum.