It is not clear what therapeutic application is most likely for agents
blocking glycine site of the NMDA receptors (glycine(B)). Majority of
the studies to date used either glycine(B) antagonists with doubtful
brain penetration or partial agonists. Following systemic administrati
on to rats of our newly developed glycine(B) antagonists (MRZ 2/570; 2
/571 and 2/576) and L-701,324 (MSD) as a reference agent the following
behavioural effects were observed: weak (if any) antiparkinsonian-lik
e effects, lack of anxiolytic activity, inhibition of physical and mot
ivational aspects of morphine dependence and neuroprotective activity
in global ischaemia. The side effects include: sedation, ataxia, and m
yorelaxation. We detected neither vacuolisation in the cingulate corte
x nor impairment of pre-pulse inhibition indicating lack of psychotomi
metic potential.