The relationship between low ponderal index and cerebral palsy was eva
luated. National Collaborative Perinatal Project and University of Cal
ifornia Child Health and Development Study data were analyzed. Associa
tions between low ponderal index (ponderal index <5% for gestational a
ge) were evaluated in the combined population, in term and preterm inf
ants, and in non-SGA infants (with birth weights >5% for gestational a
ge and gender). Data from 55,571 infants, including 232 cases of cereb
ral palsy, were evaluated. Low ponderal index was significantly associ
ated with CP in the delivery population (Relative risk 2.2) and in non
-SGA infants (RR 1.9). Low ponderal index was a significant independen
t correlate of cerebral palsy (RR 1.9) in non-SCA infants after using
logistic regression to correct for effects of prematurity and gender.
Low ponderal index is associated with increased risk of CP, even in no
n-SGA infants, Assessment of the neonatal ponderal index provides an a
dditional method of documenting prior abnormal fetal growth and develo