A theory of grandparent development is described that includes the for
mulation of assumptions, goals for guiding instruction, curriculum des
ign, and a measurement tool to assess learning needs and evaluate the
effects of educational intervention. Cultural considerations are illus
trated by a three generational study of African-American (n = 777), Ca
ucasian (n = 1086), and Hispanic (n = 672) subjects who were administe
red the Grandparent Strengths and Needs Inventory. Perceptions of each
generation about the attitudes and behaviors of grandparents were exa
mined with multivariate analysis of variance and post-hoc comparisons
to analyze the scores, confirm results, and facilitate interpretation
of findings. Results showed significant differences between generation
s and within cultures. Each generation identified elements of grandpar
ent success as well as issues that deserve consideration in building e
ducational programs.