Perturbation theory allows to relate the variance of cosmological dens
ity fluctuations on a given spatial smoothing scale to their gravitati
onally induced skewness. This prediction can be used for observational
tests of the gravitational instability theory and as a constraint on
models with strongly non-Gaussian initial conditions. Because of a hug
e number of objects contained in angular surveys and absence of uncert
ainties connected with the redshift-distance relation, a very importan
t goal is to obtain results applicable to 2-D surveys of galaxies. Usi
ng the small angle approximation, we calculate variance and skewness o
f the projected density field. Spatial smoothing is performed by a 2-D
counterpart of a top-hat filter, which is a cone filter. We obtain a
semi-analytic formula for skewness for arbitrary power spectra of dens
ity fluctuations thus extending the results of Bernardeau (1995) appli
cable for pure power-law power spectra only. The observed power spectr
um in the APM survey cannot be fitted by a pure power-law. Consequentl
y, our formula with an observationally motivated model for the power s
pectrum allows to obtain much better agreement between the predicted v
alue of skewness and that measured in the APM survey.