Attenuation of vibratory response is an important design consideration
in many aeroelastic systems, and active methods of vibration reductio
n have been studied extensively in this context, Synthesis of active c
ontrollers requires that a good analytical model of the system be avai
lable, In those problems in which the aeroelastic system is inherently
nonlinear, a robust control scheme is difficult to implement, particu
larly in the presence of large uncertainties in the model, The use of
artificial neural networks, with on-line learning capabilities, is exp
lored as an approach for developing robust control strategies for such
problems. In particular, the use of neural networks to mimic the beha
vior of a linear quadratic Gaussian controller that is applicable to n
onlinear systems is presented. The helicopter rotor blade is a classic
example of an aeroelastic system in which vibration reduction is an o
verriding concern, and in which the plant is both nonlinear and contai
ns uncertainties. A simplified two-dimensional representation of this
aeroelastic system, consisting of an airfoil with a trailing-edge cont
rol. flap, is considered as a test case in the present work; both stru
ctural and aerodynamic nonlinearities are included in the problem.