Ninety general practitioners from the Fylde coast of Lancashire respon
ded to a questionnaire regarding lipid management, revealing that only
22% aim for a target total cholesterol of less than or equal to 5.2 m
mol/l in patients with established ischaemic heart disease. One third
are reassessing the cholesterol in these patients at yearly intervals
or less frequently, and 36% select 65 years or less as the upper age l
imit for screening. Approximately 50% of GPs screen for hypercholester
olaemia in patients with cerebral or peripheral vascular disease. Prim
ary screening and treatment of hypercholesterolaemia within the 'at ri
sk' asymptomatic population is well established with 72% of GPs screen
ing hypertensives, 88% screening diabetics and almost all screening pa
tients with an adverse family history, but the therapeutic cholesterol
targets vary widely between individual practitioners.