While normal human eosinophils are destroyed in vitro by virulent Enta
moeba histolytica, notwhistanding the presence of antibodies and compl
ement, activated eosinophils promptly destroy the parasite although dy
ing also at the end of the process. To study the possible in vivo part
icipation of eosinophils in invasive amebiasis, we compared the induct
ion of experimental amebic abscess of the liver (AAL) in gerbils (Meri
ones unguiculatus) previously made eosinophilic through Toxocara canis
antigen injection and in normal control gerbils. After intraportal in
oculation of 10(5) ameba trophozoites (6 and 24 hr), the ratio of gerb
ils with AAL, as well as the number and size of the microabscesses was
comparable in eosinophilic and control gerbils. However at 96 hr the
number and size of the microabscesses were significantly smaller (p<0.
05) in eosinophilic gerbils. On the other hand the actuarial AAL survi
val curve up to 45 days post-amebic inoculation was significantly (p<0
.05) shifted to the right in controls. These results suggest that anti
gen-induced eosinophilia may exert a protective effect against AAL in