Agricultural soils, having been depicted of much of their native carbo
n stocks, have a significant CO2 sink capacity. Global estimates of th
is sink capacity are in the order of 20-30 Pg C over the next 50-100 y
ears. Management practices to build hip soil C must increase the input
of organic matter to soil and/or decrease soil organic matter decompo
sition rates. The most appropriate management practices to increase so
il C vary regionally, dependent on both environmental and socioeconomi
c factors. In temperate regions, key strategies involve increasing cro
pping frequency and reducing bare fallow, increasing the use of perenn
ial forages (including N-fixing species) in crop rotations, retaining
crop residues and reducing or eliminating tillage (i.e. no-till). In N
orth America and Europe, conversion of marginal arable land to permane
nt perennial vegetation, to protect fragile soils and landscapes and/o
r reduce agricultural surpluses, provides additional opportunities for
C sequestration. In the tropics, increasing C inputs to soil through
improving the fertility and productivity of cropland and pastures is e
ssential. In exclusive systems with vegetated fallow periods (e.g. shi
fting cultivation), planted fallows and cover crops can increase C lev
els over the cropping cycle. Use of no-till, green manures and agrofor
estry are other beneficial practices. Overall, improving the productiv
ity and sustainability of existing agricultural lands is crucial to he
lp reduce the rate of new land clearing, from which large amounts of C
O2 from biomass and soil are emitted to the atmosphere, Some regional
analyses of soil C sequestration and sequestration potential have been
performed, mainly for temperate industrialized countries. More are ne
eded, especially for the tropics, to capture region-specific interacti
ons between climate, soil and management resources that are lost in gl
obal level assessments. By itself C sequestration in agricultural soil
s can make only modest contributions (e.g. 3-6% of total fossil C emis
sions) to mitigating greenhouse gas emissions. However, effective miti
gation policies will not be based on any single 'magic bullet' solutio
ns, but rather on many modest reductions which are economically effici
ent and which confer additional benefits to society. In this context,
soil C sequestration is a significant mitigation option. Additional ad
vantages of pursuing strategies to increase soil C are the added benef
its of improved soil quality for improving agricultural productivity a
nd sustainability.