Patients with serious staphylococcal infections, e.g. endocarditis and
osteomyelitis, need prompt and prolonged parenteral antibiotic treatm
ent to ensure eradication of the causative pathogen. The major cost in
the treatment of these infections is the long period of hospitalisati
on required for the administration of intravenous antibiotics. To shor
ten the hospitalisation period, outpatient treatment can be given to s
ome patients. In this study, patients with acute exacerbations of chro
nic osteomyelitis (n = 44) or endocarditis (n = 10) were treated with
intravenous teicoplanin. The pathogens were Staphylococcus aureus (n =
41, 13 of which were methicillin resistant) and coagulase-negative st
aphylococci (n = 13, one of which was methicillin resistant). After a
mean loading dose of 15 mg/kg for 3 to 10 days, patients received teic
oplanin 3 times a week at a dose (mean 15 mg/kg) individualised to ach
ieve serum trough concentrations of approximately 10 mg/L for osteomye
litis and 20 mg/L for endocarditis. Treatment duration ranged from 28
to 150 (mean 62) days for patients with osteomyelitis and from 28 to 8
8 (mean 49) days for patients with endocarditis. 37 (84%) patients wit
h osteomyelitis and 8 (80%) patients with endocarditis were treated su
ccessfully. Adverse events were observed in 9 patients and included ra
sh (n = 3), thrombocytopenia (n = 3), and drug fever, pseudomembranous
colitis, nausea, leucopenia and transient hearing impairment (one pat
ient each). In conclusion, this study demonstrates that teicoplanin ca
n be administered successfully in an outpatient setting according to a
3-times weekly schedule for the treatment of patients with staphyloco
ccal osteomyelitis and endocarditis.