Y. Arestov, RAMPEX - A NEW SPIN EXPERIMENT, Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment, 402(2-3), 1998, pp. 298-302
Experiment RAMPEX - Russian-AMerican Polarization EXperiment - is dedi
cated to studies of one-spin asymmetries which have twist-3 and also t
wist-2 origin, in hard and semi-hard inclusive processes on the polari
zed propane-diol target. A special consideration has been given for th
e prospects of using polarized He-3 target. This studies will be perfo
rmed at the Serpukhov accelerator at 70 GeV/c(p beam) and 40 GeV/c (pi
(-) beam). The first data-taking run is being planned for Fall'97.