Humans have been recently shown to represent parameterized three-dimen
sional objects in a manner that preserves relative similarities (as me
asured by parameter-space distances) among the objects (Cutzu and Edel
man 1996). We show that the representation of objects in the monkey vi
sual system is similarly faithful to the parametric variation built in
to the stimulus set, A monkey (Macaca fuscata) performed a delayed mat
ching-to-sample task with 28 images (4 views x 7 objects). Stimuli in
each of the two experiments were seven computer-rendered parameterized
animal-like shapes, arranged in a low-dimensional configuration (name
ly, a two-dimensional TRIANGLE) in a common 56-dimensional parameter s
pace. The monkey's task was to match objects (not views). Each experim
ent lasted for 3 - 4 weeks after the introduction of the stimulus set
to the subject. Error rates were entered into a 7 x 7 object confusion
matrix and submitted to nonmetric multidimensional scaling (MDS). In
both experiment 1 (mean correct rate 69.7%) and experiment 2 (mean cor
rect rate 59.9%), the MDS solutions resembled closely the low-dimensio
nal parameter-space patterns built into the stimuli, in the sense that
the point corresponding to the central one in the original pattern wa
s inside the other six points and that the order of the six points in
angular positions around the center point was preserved, A simulation
study showed that the resemblance could not be due to chance. These re
sults demonstrate the possibility of veridical representation of param
etric similarity among complex objects in the monkey.