Complexity measures of non-linear dynamics are a useful tool for quant
ifying observed stretching, folding, scaling and mixing processes in t
he Takens-reconstructed state space of heart period dynamics. Although
such measures are not suited to provide evidence of deterministic cha
os or to estimate true fractal dimensions and Lyapunov spectra in hear
t period time series, they allow the classification of RR dynamics and
the identification of changes in RR complexity (RRC). The aim of this
study was to develop appropriate measures and examine their utility i
n identifying the physiological effect of changes between the sleeping
and waking state. Twenty-four hour electrocardiography (EGG) recordin
gs and diaries noting their waking/sleeping period were obtained from
78 healthy subjects, aged 20 to 55 years. The approximate information
dimension (ApD1) and the approximate Kolmogorov entropy (ApEn), introd
uced by Pincus, Kaplan and others, were modified in order to allow the
calculation of strictly local values. That is, the local or pointwise
dimensions and entropies were calculated for each reference vector wi
th respect to its symmetric neighbourhood in time. For each subject th
e values for the local measures were averaged for 10-min periods, resu
lting in 144 global values over 24 h. Similarly, low-and high-frequenc
y spectral parameters were calculated. All measures were examined and
compared for the waking and the sleeping periods. All complexity measu
res as well as to a lesser degree high-frequency power showed a linear
dependency on mean RR interval with a large individual variation. For
the RRC measures this linear correlation was separated into two diffe
rent clusters corresponding to the sleeping and waking periods. In alm
ost all cases the correlation was greater in the waking period. In par
ticular, in many cases no correlation was observed in the sleeping per
iod. However, the tau values for LF were appreciably lower and indicat
ed solely a weak relationship to the RR interval in the waking period.
Analysis of variance combining mean RR interval with RRC or spectral
parameters singly and in couples revealed that the best separation wit
h respect to physiological state could be achieved with the complexity
measures, in particular with ApEn. The results show evidence of at le
ast two dynamical regimes (phases) of heart period dynamics and a clos
e but different functional relationship within the phases between RR i
nterval and RR complexity. The separation between these regimes and th
e relatively sudden shift from one regime to the other suggest the exi
stence of a phase transition with respect to waking and sleeping perio
ds in terms of synergetics.