We explored the utility of high-density oligonucleotide arrays (DNA ch
ips) for obtaining sequence information from homologous genes in close
ly related species. Orthologues of the human BRCA1 exon 11, all approx
imately 3.4 kb in length and ranging from 98.2% to 83.5% nucleotide id
entity, were subjected to hybridization-based and conventional dideoxy
sequencing analysis. Retrospective guidelines for identifying high-fid
elity hybridization-based sequence calls were formulated based upon di
deoxysequencing results. Prospective application of these rules yielde
d base-calling with at least 98.8% accuracy over orthologous sequence
tracts shown to have approximately 99% identity. For higher primate se
quences with greater than 97% nucleotide identity, base-calling was ma
de with at least 99.91% accuracy covering a minimum of 97% of the sequ
ence. Using a second-tier confirmatory hybridization chip strategy, sh
own in several cases to confirm the identity of predicted sequence cha
nges, the complete sequence of the chimpanzee. gorilla and orangutan o
rthologues should be deducible solely through hybridization-based meth
odologies. Analysis of less highly conserved orthologues can still ide
ntify conserved nucleotide tracts of at least 15 nucleotides and can p
rovide useful information for designing primers. DNA-chip based assays
can be a valuable new technology for obtaining high-throughput cost-e
ffective sequence information from related genomes.