One hundred and twenty-one consecutive patients presenting to the Chil
dren's National Medical Center with lambdoid positional molding (LPM)
were reviewed. Clinical features included unilateral occipital flatten
ing and alopecia and forward displacement of the ipsilateral ear, fore
head, and maxilla. Head tilt and tightness of the ipsilateral sternocl
eidomastoid muscle were common. An unexplained preponderance of LPM wa
s found in males (74%) and on the right side (72%), both findings stat
istically significant (p < 0.001). Importantly, a variety of other abn
ormalities were seen with LPM: torticollis (41%), large head circumfer
ence (40), excess extra-axial cerebrospinal fluid (35), developmental
delay (19), and other CNS abnormalities (20%). Systemic problems affec
ting the mobility were also common. Only 3 patients had craniosynostos
is, and only 2 with LPM required surgery for severe cosmetic deformiti
es. An apparent increase in the incidence of LPM was attributed to cur
rent recommendations to keep infants supine to decrease the risk of su
dden infant death syndrome, overutilization of infant carriers similar
to cradle-boards of earlier cultures, and neonatal medical problems r
esulting in relative immobility. No evidence was found to support the
concept that LPM causes compressive brain pathology; thus, surgical tr
eatment is not required for such fears. Further, the sequelae of under
lying CNS and systemic problems associated with LPM would not be corre
cted by opening unfused sutures, but could even be misinterpreted as c
omplications of surgery.