Dq. Yang et al., ACCURACY OF NWS 8-INCH STANDARD NONRECORDING PRECIPITATION GAUGE - RESULTS AND APPLICATION OF WMO INTERCOMPARISON, Journal of atmospheric and oceanic technology, 15(1), 1998, pp. 54-68
The standard 8 '' nonrecording precipitation gauge has been used histo
rically by the National Weather Service (NWS) as the official precipit
ation measurement instrument of the U.S. climate station network. From
1986 to 1992, the accuracy and performance of this gauge (unshielded
or with an Alter shield) were evaluated during the WMO Solid Precipita
tion Measurement Intercomparison at three stations in the United State
s and Russia representing a variety of climate, terrain, and exposure.
The double-fence intercomparison reference (DFIR) was the reference s
tandard used at all the intercomparison stations in the Intercompariso
n project. The Intercomparison data collected at different sites are c
ompatible with respect to the catch ratio (gauge measured/DFIR) for th
e same gauges, when compared using wind speed at the height of gauge o
rifice during the observation period. The effects of environmental fac
tors, such as wind speed and temperature, on the gauge catch were inve
stigated. Wind speed was found to be the most important factor determi
ning gauge catch when precipitation was classified into snow, mixed, a
nd rain. The regression functions of the catch ratio versus wind speed
at the gauge height on a daily time step were derived for various typ
es of precipitation. Independent checks of the equations have been con
ducted at these intercomparison stations and good agreement was obtain
ed. Application of the correction procedures for wind, wetting loss, a
nd trace amounts was made on a daily basis at Barrow, Alaska, for 1958
and 1983, and, on average, the gauge-measured precipitation was incre
ased by 20% for rain and 90% for snow.