There is epidemiological evidence, especially from longitudinal studie
s, that clinical manifestations of atopy as well as IgE antibodies aga
inst food and aeroallergens show a systematic sequence of events. The
atopic march begins with food allergy associated gastrointestinal diso
rders and atopic dermatitis followed by respiratory allergies, i.e. as
thma and atopic rhino-conjunctivitis. Delectable food antibodies, espe
cially against egg and milk proteins, usually precede or accompany the
early clinical symptoms and signs. Similarly, aeroallergen sensitizat
ion, first against indoor allergen antibodies, succeeded by outdoor al
lergen antibodies, precede the clinical manifestation of respiratory a
llergy. Early atopic events, either manifestation or sensitization can
be used as risk markers or even predictors of atopic disorders to imp
lement preventive measures. Early atopic dermatitis as well as elevate
d serum IgE antibodies against food allergens in the first two years o
f life in combination with a family history can be used as a predictor
for aeroallergen sensitization. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.