Food allergy is principally a problem in infancy and early childhood.
Food allergy/intolerance may cause a broad spectrum of symptoms and si
gns in children, including generalized reactions, such as anaphylactic
shock. Reactions are localized mainly in the gastrointestinal tract,
but food allergy/intolerance may also cause local symptoms in other or
gans such as the skin and the respiratory tract. About 50-70% demonstr
ate cutaneous symptoms, 50-60% gastrointestinal symptoms, and 20-30% r
espiratory symptoms. Among young children with food allergy/intoleranc
e the majority have two or more symptoms with symptoms occurring in tw
o or more organ systems. The symptoms occur primarily within a few min
utes after food exposure (immediate reactions), however delayed reacti
ons in the skin, gastrointestinal tract and lungs may also occur. Amon
g children with symptoms suggestive of food allergy/intolerance, the d
iagnosis can be confirmed by controlled elimination/challenge procedur
es only in about one third of the patients. A proper diagnosis is impo
rtant in order to avoid unnecessary restrictive diets and risk of maln
utrition. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.