The phylogenetic position of the phylum Porifera (sponges) is at the b
ase of the kingdom Metazoa. During the past few years not only rDNA se
quences but - and this was a major advance - even cDNAs/genes have bee
n isolated and characterized from sponges, especially from the marine
demosponge Geodia cydonium, which code for proteins. The analyses of t
heir deduced amino acid sequences allowed a molecular biological appro
ach to solve the problem of monophyly of Metazoa. Molecules of the ext
racellular matrix/basal lamina, with the integrin receptor, fibronecti
n, and galectin as prominent examples, cell-surface receptors (tyrosin
e kinase receptor), elements of sensory systems (crystallin, metabotro
pic glutamate receptor), and homologs/modules of an immune system (imm
unoglobulin like molecules, scavenger receptor cysteine-rich, and shor
t consensus repeats, rhesus system) classify the Porifera as true Meta
zoa. As living fossils, provided with simple, primordial molecules all
owing cell-cell and cell-matrix adhesion as well as processes of signa
l transduction as known in a more complex manner from higher Metazoa,
they also show peculiarities not known in other metazoan phyla. Tissue
s of sponges are rich in telomerase activity, suggesting a high plasti
city in the determination of cell lineages. It is concluded that molec
ular biological studies with sponges as model will not only help to un
derstand the evolution of Protoctista to Metazoa but also the complex,
hierarchial regulatory network of cells in higher Metazoa.