P. Thieberger, SPACE-CHARGE LIMITATIONS FOR DIFFERENT INJECTION SCHEMES AT THE BROOKHAVEN RELATIVISTIC HEAVY-ION ACCELERATOR COMPLEX, Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment, 404(1), 1998, pp. 25-28
Two different ion source choices for the Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collid
er (RHIC) are discussed from the point of view of intensity limitation
s to be expected from early space-charge beam blowup effects. Simple s
caling considerations indicate that such effects will be more difficul
t to mitigate for a proposed high-charge state EBIS-ion-source-RFQ-Lin
ac system and single-turn AGS Booster injection as compared to the exi
sting negative ion source - Tandem Van de Graaff multi-turn injection
scheme, making it questionable whether present intensities will be mat
ched or exceeded. Also, some presently possible avenues to larger inte
nsities wouldn't be available with the new system. New ion sources sho
uld be planned as complements - not substitutes - for the present syst
em because large heavy-ion facilities, in general, require multiple in
jectors and because RHIC, the largest of them all will have an injecto
r complex that will also serve other applications. (C) 1998 Elsevier S
cience B.V. All rights reserved.