OBJECTIVE: To report four children with visual impairment associated w
ith mutism after posterior fossa surgery. Mutism after posterior fossa
surgery is a well-described phenomena, but to our knowledge, visual i
mpairment has not been reported in association with it. METHODS: Recor
d review of four children (age range, 3-7 yr) who underwent posterior
fossa surgery (via suboccipital craniotomies) for removal of a medullo
blastoma (three patients) or ependymoma (one patient). Each presented
with headache, ataxia, or nausea and vomiting, but none had preoperati
ve visual complaints other than diplopia. Postoperatively, all patient
s were mute, and because of apparent visual loss, neuro-ophthalmic con
sultation was requested. Postoperative scans and examinations were als
o reviewed. RESULTS: Each child was awake but appeared withdrawn witho
ut verbal output. No child blinked to threat or fixed or followed. In
each case, pupillary reactivity was normal, and funduscopic examinatio
ns revealed only papilledema. One child reached for money. Within week
s or months postoperatively, the mutism spontaneously resolved, and vi
sual behavior in general improved, roughly in parallel. During the fol
low-up period, papilledema resolved and the disc color was normal in e
ach case. Magnetic resonance images obtained postoperatively revealed
nothing remarkable, except surgical defects, without lesions in the re
trogeniculate pathway. CONCLUSION: Impaired visual behavior, mimicking
cortical visual loss, may be associated with mutism after posterior f
ossa surgery in children. The prognosis for recovery is excellent and
parallels the return of normal speech. The mechanism is unclear.