In continuum QCD, nontrivial gauge topologies give rise to zero eigenv
alues of the massless Dirac operator. In lattice QCD with Wilson fermi
ons, analogs of these zero modes appear as exactly real eigenvalues of
the Wilson-Dirac operator, leading to poles in the quark propagator i
n the vicinity of the critical hopping parameter. It is shown that ''e
xceptional configurations,'' which arise in the quenched approximation
at small quark mass, are the result of the fluctuation of the positio
n of zero mode poles to subcritical values of hopping parameter on par
ticular gauge configurations. We describe a procedure for correcting t
hese lattice artifacts by first isolating the contribution of zero mod
e poles to the quark propagator and then shifting the subcritical pole
s to the critical point. This procedure defines a modified quenched ap
proximation in which accurate calculations can be carried out for arbi
trarily small quark masses.