The cross section between a c (c) over bar pair and a nucleon is small
and sensitive to the c-(c) over bar separation if the pair is in a co
lor-singlet state, but very large and insensitive to the separation if
it is in a color-octet state. We use this property in an absorption m
odel involving both color components to deduce the color structure of
c (c) over bar pairs produced in pA --> psi X reactions. Our analysis
shows that the NA3, NA38, and E772 data are not inconsistent with the
theoretical picture that color-octet and color-singlet precursors are
produced in roughly equal proportions if the produced color-singlet pr
ecursors are pointlike and transparent. However, if the color-singlet
precursors are not transparent but have a cross section of a few mb, t
hese data do show a definite preference for a larger fraction of color
-singlet precursors. In either case, the color-octet fraction increase
s with x(F), approaching close to unity as x(F) increases to about 0.5