We examine the robustness of a recently predicted exchange-induced zer
o-field magnetic phase in semiconductor double quantum wells in which
each well is spin polarized and the polarization vectors are antiparal
lel. Magnetic instabilities are a general feature of Coulombic double-
quantum-well systems at low densities. We argue that this antiferromag
netic phase is stabilized relative to ferromagnetic ones by an effecti
ve superexchange interaction between the wells. Detailed self-consiste
nt Hartree-Fock calculations using a point-contact model for the inter
action show that the antiferromagnetic phase survives intrasubband rep
ulsion matrix elements neglected in earlier work in a large portion of
the model's parameter space. We also examine the role of asymmetry du
e to biasing or to differences in the widths of the two quantum wells.
The asymmetry creates a mode coupling between the intra-and intersubb
and collective spin-density excitations (SDE's) that changes the Raman
spectroscopy signature of the phase transition from a complete soften
ing of the intersubband SDE to a cusp as the density is tuned through
the transition. This cusp may be detectable in inelastic light scatter
ing experiments in samples of sufficient quality at low enough tempera
tures and densities.