Low-field harmonic susceptibilities of a Ni77Mn23 alloy have been meas
ured in the temperature range 15-325 K at three different frequencies.
The measurements exhibit both frequency and amplitude dependencies. O
bserved dependencies are compared with the existing theories of linear
and nonlinear susceptibilities with reference to short- and long-rang
e interactions. Although the sample exhibits some features similar to
the ordinary spin-glass systems at low temperatures, the Curie tempera
ture T-C was found to he larger than expected. However, the sample exh
ibits some interesting properties in terms of spin frustration below T
-f at some frequency and amplitude. The coexistence of spin-glass with
ferromagnetic states at low temperatures signifies the nondivergent b
ehaviour of the high-order harmonic susceptibilities in the vicinity o
f T-f. The critical exponents gamma = 3.2 +/- 0.2 and beta = 1.68 +/-
0.4 suggests that the third harmonic susceptibility is essentially dif
ferent from the observed divergent behaviour in spin glasses.