Non surgical prevention of uterine cervical cancer relies on regular p
erformance of Pap smears and colposcopy. Screening for cervical dyspla
sia allows their treatment by laser vaporisation or cone biopsy, accor
ding to their gi ade, and therefore the prevention of invasive carcino
ma. Infortunetly, 40 % of the female population does not comply to cer
vical screening and Pap smears entail 20 % false negative results. Pre
vention of endometrial carcinoma is even far more difficult in that en
dometrial smears are seldom practised. Periodic surveillance of women
receiving oestrogenic hormonal therapy, addition of progesterone in or
der to eventually protect the endometrium, hysteroscopic detection of
irregular endometrial hyperplasia, represent the only tools available