Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE), ethyl tert-butyl ether (ETBE), tert-am
yl methyl ether (TAME), and diisopropyl ether (DIPE) were evaluated wi
th CASE/MULTICASE structure relational models in order to determine th
eir potential to pose human health risks. None of the parent ethers we
re predicted to be sensory irritants, eye irritants, contact sensitize
rs, mutagens, developmental toxicants, or carcinogens. The putative me
tabolites of ETBE were generated by META, an expert system, and evalua
ted for their potential to contribute to toxicity. Several of the meta
bolites were predicted by CASE/MULTICASE to be sensory irritants, cont
act sensitizers, mutagens, developmental toxicants, and carcinogens. A
preliminary examination of the putative metabolites of TAME and DIPE
revealed the presence of epoxides, a class of chemicals associated wit
h developmental toxicity, carcinogenicity, and dermal contact sensitiv