Purpose. To measure the pH in the precorneal tear film of humans in vi
vo using a pH-sensitive fluorescent dye, bis-carboxyethyl-carboxyfluor
escein (BCECF). Methods. The measurement was initiated by instilling 1
mu l of 2 mM BCECF solution into the subject's eye. The pH was calcul
ated by measuring the ratio of fluorescent intensities at two excitati
on wavelengths (490/430 ratio), which was dependent on pH, but indepen
dent of the dye concentration and other variables. The tears of the sa
me subject were then collected and loaded on to a micro pH-meter to en
sure the accuracy of the measurement. Results. The mean pH values of 4
0 eyes from 20 healthy volunteers was 7.50 (SD +/- 0.23), which corres
ponded well with those measured by the micro pH-meter.Conclusions. The
method described was useful in measuring the pH of the precorneal tea
r film of humans with minimal invasion.