Chemical reactions on polar stratospheric cloud (PSC) particles are re
sponsible for the production of reactive chlorine species (chlorine 'a
ctivation') which cause ozone destruction(1). Gas-phase deactivation o
f these chlorine species can take several weeks in the Arctic winter s
tratosphere, so that ozone destruction can be sustained even in air pa
rcels that encounter PSCs only intermittently(2,3). Chlorine activatio
n during a PSC encounter proceeds much faster at low temperatures when
cloud particle surface area and heterogeneous reaction rates are high
er(4). Although mountain-induced atmospheric gravity waves are known t
o cause local reductions in stratospheric temperature of as much as 10
-15 K (refs 5-9), and are often associated with mesoscale PSCs10-12, t
heir effect on chlorine activation and ozone depletion has not been co
nsidered. Here we describe aircraft observations of mountain-wave-indu
ced mesoscale PSCs in which temperatures were 12 K lower than expected
synoptically, Model calculations show that despite their localized na
ture, these PSCs can cause almost complete conversion of inactive chlo
rine species to ozone-destroying forms in air flowing through the clou
ds. Using a global mountain-wave model(8), we identify regions where m
ountain waves can develop, and show that they can cause frequent chlor
ine activation of air in the Arctic stratosphere. Such mesoscale proce
sses offer a possible explanation for the underprediction of reactive
chlorine concentrations and ozone depletion rates calculated by three-
dimensional models of the Arctic stratosphere(13-17).