The seasonal and daily variation of the thorax temperature of dancing
honeybee foragers, which gathered sucrose solutions from feeding place
s of constant quality (concentration and distance), was investigated b
y infrared thermography. Dancing temperature varied significantly betw
een different days of the foraging season and depended on the time of
day. In the morning and evening it varied much more than during the re
st of the day. Part of this variation was caused by the hive temperatu
re. The degree of cloudiness had no effect. In addition to intra-indiv
idual variations, some bees differed in the level of thermoregulation
throughout the whole day (= inter-individual variation). Dancing tempe
rature correlated neither with the stores of honey or pollen nor with
the number of brood cells or empty cells. Since no correlation was fou
nd between the rate of recruited bees and dancing temperature it seems
improbable that the dancers' body temperature acts as a predominant s
ignal of food source profitability for the recruited bees.