In a series oi experiments psychophysical techniques were used to stud
y the relation between binocular rivalry and motion perception. An ini
tial series of experiments confirmed that motion enhances tile predomi
nance of an eye during rivalry, although the direction of motion does
not matter The presence of an annulus of motion immediately surroundin
g one eye's rival target greatly enhances dominance or that target, bu
t the influence of the annulus progressively decreases as the separati
on between disk and annulus increased. Opponent directions of motion i
n disk and annulus yield greater dominance than when dots in the disk
and annulus moved in identical directions. in a second experiment the
two eyes were adapted to orthogonal, directions of motion, generating
strong, distinctively different monocular motion aftereffects (MAEs).
Even though the two eyes view physically identical random-motion displ
ays following differential adaptation, binocular rivalry of the discre
pant MAEs can occur. Finally, using a stimulus replacement technique t
o measure detectability of translational and rotational motion, it was
found that both types of motion were readily detected during periods
of dominance but went undetected during periods of suppression. Taken
together, these results bear on the process responsible for rivalry an
d its neural locus relative to the analysis of different types of moti