The body of knowledge in organizational and management research is bas
ed, to a large extent, on same-source self-report data. Although sever
al scholars seriously doubt the validity of such findings, this method
ology has also been used, without exception, in a specific research ar
ea focusing on the relationship between the locus of control of Chief
Executive Officers (CEOs) and firm-level entrepreneurship. In the pres
ent study, we try to evaluate the validity of these findings by using
multiple sources (i.e., respondents) to obtain data on the independent
and criterion variables. We present empirical evidence that the publi
shed correlations between the CEO locus of control and firm-level entr
epreneurship cannot be interpreted unambiguously due to two, not neces
sarily mutually exclusive, methodological problems, that is: (1) a fal
lacy of the wrong level and (2) common method variance.