Overproduction of transforming growth factor-beta clearly underlies ti
ssue fibrosis in numerous experimental and human diseases. Transformin
g growth factor-beta's powerful fibrogenic action results from simulta
neous stimulation of matrix protein synthesis, inhibition of matrix de
gradation, and enhanced integrin expression that facilitates matrix as
sembly. In animals, overexpression of transforming growth factor-beta
by intravenous injection, transient gene transfer, or transgene insert
ion has shown that the kidney is highly susceptible to rapid fibrosis.
The same seems true in human disease, where excessive transforming gr
owth factor-beta has been demonstrated in glomerulonephritis, diabetic
nephropathy, and hypertensive glomerular injury. A possible explanati
on for the kidney's particular susceptibility to fibrosis may be the r
ecent discovery of biologically complex interactions between the renin
-angiotensin system and transforming growth factor-beta. Alterations i
n glomerular hemodynamics can activate both the renin-angiotensin syst
em and transforming growth factor-beta. Components of the renin-angote
nsin system act to further stimulate production of transforming growth
factor-beta and plasminogen activator inhibitor leading to rapid matr
ix accumulation. In volume depletion, transforming growth factor-beta
is released from juxtaglomerular cells and may act synergistically wit
h angiotensin II to accentuate vasoconstriction and acute renal failur
e. Interaction of the renin-angiotensin system and transforming growth
factor-beta has important clinical implications. The protective effec
t of inhibition of the renin-angiotensin system in experimental and hu
man kidney diseases correlates closely with the suppression of transfo
rming growth factor-beta production. This suggests that transforming g
rowth factor-beta, in addition to blood pressure, should be a therapeu
tic target. Higher doses or different combinations of drugs that block
the renin-angiotensin system or entirely new drug strategies may be n
eeded to achieve a greater antifibrotic effect.