The main purpose of this investigation was to evaluate whether the cyc
lic AMP-adenosine pathway, ie, the conversion of cAMP to AMP and, henc
e, to adenosine, is involved in the regulation of nitric oxide (NO) sy
nthesis by vascular smooth muscle cells (SMCs). Treatment of confluent
monolayers of SMCs with adenosine, 2-chloroadenosine (stable analog o
f adenosine), and agents that elevate endogenous (SMC-derived) adenosi
ne (EHNA and iodotubericidin) increased nitrite/nitrate (stable metabo
lites of NO) levels in the medium and enhanced the conversion of H-3-L
-arginine to H-3-L-citrulline by cytosolic extracts obtained from the
pretreated SMCs. The stimulatory effects of adenosine were not mimicke
d by low (1 to 100 nmol/L) concentrations of CGS31680, an A(2A) recept
or agonist, or CPA, a selective A(1) receptor agonist. The stimulatory
effects of 2-chloroadenosine and EHNA plus iodotubericidin were signi
ficantly inhibited by KF17837, a selective A(2) receptor antagonist, a
nd by DPSPX, an A(1)/A(2) receptor antagonist, but not by DPCPX, a sel
ective A(1) receptor antagonist. DDA (adenylyl cyclase inhibitor) and
Rp-cyclic AMP (protein kinase A inhibitor) did not block the effects o
f adenosine on NO synthesis. Incubation of SMCs with exogenous cyclic
AMP, at concentrations previously shown to elevate levels of adenosine
in the medium, also increased nitrite/nitrate levels and H-3-L-citrul
line formation, and the effects of cyclic AMP on NO synthesis were blo
cked by DPSPX and KF17837, but not by DPCPX. These findings provide ev
idence that exogenous and SMC-derived adenosine induce NO synthesis vi
a A(2B) receptors linked to a pathway not involving adenylyl cyclase/p
rotein kinase A. Moreover, extracellular cyclic AMP induces NO synthes
is via conversion to adenosine and activation of A(2B) adenosine recep
tors. The cyclic AMP-adenosine pathway may be importantly involved in
the vascular production of NO.