We consider the statistics of the transverse spectra of forward-propag
ating waves in a stationary random medium. A short-range perturbation
solution is used to derive the difference equations that govern the lo
ng-range evolution of the ensemble-averaged transverse wave spectrum a
nd coherence. The conditions under which these equations may be approx
imated by differential and integro-differential equations are given, a
nd it is shown that the approximation is valid for the treatment of be
am propagation provided that the transverse dimension of the beam is s
ufficiently large, and at ranges where the transverse coherence length
of the beam remains larger than a wavelength. The equations that are
derived are not limited by the parabolic approximation, and are amenab
le to numerical solution by marching techniques. We use the equation t
hat governs the spectral density of the total energy flux, and also th
e propagation of waves which are statistically homogeneous in transver
se planes, to show the conditions under which previously studied appro
ximations derive from the present formulation, and to illustrate the n
umerical solution of the problem.