An experimental study was conducted to determine effects of welding pa
rameters and to optimize those parameters that have the most influence
on eliminating or reducing the extent of hard zone formation al dissi
milar metal welds (DMWs). Preheat, base metal thickness and welding el
ectrode composition were found to have the most influence. Maintaining
an optimum preheat for a given base metal thickness and controlling t
he maximum interpass temperature throughout welding resulted in drasti
c reduction and often complete elimination of hard zones at DMWs fabri
cated with ENiCrFe-3 electrodes, but not those welds fabricated with E
309 stainless steel electrodes. This finding indicates that depending
on the cooling rare and composition of the welding electrode, hard zon
es in DMWs can be eliminated. The cooling rate must be slow enough to
avert formation of hard allotropic structures (i.e., martensite) and f
ast enough to avoid precipitation of hard intermetallic phases. The op
timum welding electrode composition is one that will retard formation
and precipitation of intermetallic phases during welding while the pre
heat needed to prevent the formation of allotropics is being maintaine
d. Unfortunately, this unique characteristic is not available in most,
if not all, austenitic stainless steel electrodes; nickel-based weldi
ng electrodes have been demonstrated to be more receptive.