Mc. Chiu et al., 1996 HONG-KONG RENAL REGISTRY REPORT, Nephrology, 3(6), 1997, pp. 577-581
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577 - 581
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This report was based on the data from the Renal Registry of the Hospi tal Authority of Hong Kong and accounted for approximately 90-95% of a ll the patients on Renal replacement therapy (RRT) in Hong Kong. Patie nts receiving treatment under the private sectors were not included in this report. The data were as of 31 December 1996. There were 15 rena l units (2.4 unit per million population [pmp]) and four major renal t ransplant centres, The number of patients on RRT was 3337 (530 pmp), o f which 56% (299 pmp) were on peritoneal dialysis (PD), 15% (79 pmp) o n haemodialysis (IID) and 29% (152 pmp) with functioning kidney transp lants (TX). The net increase in the number of patients on RRT was + 12 % from the previous year. The incidence of end stage renal failure was 640 (102 pmp). The median age of patients on RRT was 49 years, of whi ch 27% were above the age of 61 years. For new patients who commenced on RRT during 1996, the median age was 56 years, of which 36% were abo ve the age of 61 years. The causes of renal failure were glomeruloneph ritis 37%, unknown 30%, diabetes 13%, inherited and congenital 5%, inf ection/reflux 3%, hypertensive/renal vascular disease 3%, urolithiasis 2%, obstructive 1% and others 5%. For new patients entered into the p rogramme during 1996, 25% were due to diabetic nephropathy. Ten per ce nt of all the patients on RRT were serologically positive for hepatiti s B infection (PD 12%, HD 6%, SX 9%). 5% of all the patients on RRT we re positive for hepatitis C infection (PD 3%, HD 12%, TX 7%). Seventy- nine per cent of all the patients on dialysis were on PD (1885 patient s, 299 pmp), of which 96% were on CAPD. Thirty-eight per cent of the p atients on CAPD were on straight-line systems, 35% on disconnecting sy stems and 20% on UV flash systems. Four-hundred and ninety-five patien ts (79 pmp) were on HD, of which 59% were on hospital based HD, 15% on satellite centre based HD, 10% on charitable centre based HD and 5% o n home HD. Nine-hundred and fifty-seven patients (152 pmp) had a funct ioning kidney graft. 542 (57%) were transplanted in Hong Kong, of whic h 50% were cadaveric kidney transplantations. During 1996, 121 patient s (19 pmp) received a kidney transplantation. Eighty-four transplants were performed in Hong Kong, of which 58 were with cadaveric kidneys a nd 26 with living related kidneys. The annual mortality rate for all R RT was 7.3% (10% for PD, 8% for HD and 1% with TX). The major causes o f death were infection (28%), cardiovascular (26%) and cerebral vascul ar accident (9%). Outcome indicators were on patients entered into the RRT programme during 1995, thus allowing for 1 year of follow up. For CAPD as the first RRT, 1 year patient and technique survival (censore d for death and non-technique failure) were 94% and 93%. For living re lated kidney transplants performed in Hong Kong, 1 year patient and gr aft survival (censored for death) were both 100%. For cadaveric kidney transplants, 1 year patient and graft survival were 98% and 96%.