Selection of parents is an important first step in any breeding progra
m, The ability to assess accurately genetic differences between parent
s and subsequently to predict progeny performance would enhance the ef
ficiency of breeding programs, This study examined the association bet
ween genetic similarity (GS) based on coefficient of parentage (COP) a
nd molecular marker data for 10 hard red spring wheats (Triticum aesti
vum L,), In addition, we assessed the value of parental diversity base
d on COP, and molecular marker data, and combinations of them, to pred
ict progeny genetic variance for 12 crosses of hard red spring wheat,
Coefficient of parentage was computed for all pair-wise combinations o
f the 10 parents, Parents were assayed with 205 sequence-tagged sites
(STS) polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primer sets and 14 arbitrarily c
hosen selective amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) primer c
ombinations, Fifty random progeny lines from each of 12 crosses among
the 10 parents were grown in three field environments. Genetic varianc
e estimates were obtained for nine traits, and an overall variance was
obtained as the sum of single trait variance components from standard
ized data, Genetic similarities estimated from COP, STS-PCR primer set
s, and AFLP primer combinations were interrelated, Genetic distance co
mputed from COP, STS-PCR primer sets, AFLP primer combinations, or com
binations of them was not a strong predictor of progeny genetic varian
ce or number of transgressive segregates for single traits. However, s
ignificant correlations were obtained between COP and STS-PCR-based ge
netic distance and overall variance.