The software tool SWEET accessible through Internet is described which
rapidly converts the commonly used sequence information of complex ca
rbohydrates directly into a preliminary but reliable 3D model. The bas
ic idea is to link preconstructed 3D molecular templates of monosaccha
rides in a specific way of binding as defined in the sequence informat
ion. In a subsequent step a fast routine to explore the conformational
space for each glycosidic linkage has been implemented. Systematic ro
tations around the glycosidic linkages are performed, calculating the
van der Waals interactions for each step of rotation. The user interac
tion is supported by an input spreadsheet consisting of a grid of suga
r symbol and connection type cells. Several ways to visualise and to o
utput the generated structures and related information are implemented
. Since interactivity is an absolute prerequisite for each WWW applica
tion, the limitations of the approach are discussed in detail. SWEET w
ill open modelling techniques to a broader range of users, especially
for those who do not have access to the required hard-and software equ