The degree of carbon burnout is an important operating characteristic
of full-scale suspension-fired coal combustion systems. Prediction of
carbon loss requires special char combustion kinetics valid through th
e very high conversions targeted in industry (typically >99.5%), and v
alid for a wide range of particle temperature histories occurring in f
ull-scale furnaces. The present paper presents high-temperature kineti
c data for five coal chars in the form of time-resolved burning profil
es that include the late stages of combustion. The paper then describe
s the development and validation of the Carbon Burnout Kinetic Model (
CBK), a coal-general kinetics package that is specifically designed to
predict the total extent of carbon burnout and ultimate fly ash carbo
n content for prescribed temperature/oxygen histories typical of pulve
rized coal combustion systems. The model combines the single-film trea
tment of char oxidation with quantitative descriptions of thermal anne
aling, statistical kinetics, statistical densities, and ash inhibition
in the late stages of combustion. In agreement with experimental obse
rvations, the CBK model predicts (1) low reactivities for unburned car
bon residues extracted from commercial ash samples, (2) reactivity los
s in the late stages of laboratory combustion, (3) the observed sensit
ivity of char reactivity to high-temperature heat treatment on second
and subsecond time scales, and (4) the global reaction inhibition by m
ineral matter in the late stages of combustion observed in single-part
icle imaging studies. The model ascribes these various char deactivati
on phenomena to the combined effects of thermal annealing, ash inhibit
ion, and the preferential consumption of more reactive particles (stat
istical kinetics), the relative contributions of which vary greatly wi
th combustion conditions. (C) 1998 by The Combustion Institute.