Kw. Hui et al., ELECTRODE OPTIMIZATION FOR HIGH-SPEED TRAVELING-WAVE INTEGRATED-OPTICMODULATORS, Journal of lightwave technology, 16(2), 1998, pp. 232-238
Different electrode configurations for LiNbO3-based Mach-Zehnder trave
ling-wave electrooptic modulators are analyzed, It is found that the Z
-cut coplanar waveguide (CPW) configuration provides the best compromi
se between the characteristic impedance, the half-wave voltage, and th
e driving power, To increase the bandwidth and simultaneously reduce t
he half-wave voltage, an optimum design of multisection phase reversal
electrode is proposed, To verify the theoretical predictions experime
ntally, two modulators, both using the Z-cut LiNbO3 CPW configuration,
were fabricated and characterized, one with an optimized five-section
phase reversal electrode and the other with a conventional single-sec
tion electrode, By comparing the performances of these two devices, it
is confirmed that significant improvements on the bandwidth to half-w
ave voltage ratio and the flatness of the frequency response can indee
d be obtained from using an optimized multisection phase reversal elec