Neurogenic syncope is one of the most frequent causes of recurrent syn
cope in patients with structurally normal heart. The mechanisms leadin
g to neurogenic syncope remain poorly understood. Evidence recently ob
tained from several laboratories suggests that impaired arterial baror
eflex adaptation to orthostatic stress, in addition to cessation of va
soconstrictive sympathetic traffic, contributes to the development of
hypotension and bradycardia that determine the vasovagal response. Neu
rogenic syncope encompasses a wide range of reflexogenic syncope that
includes the vasovagal type, micturition syncope, carotid sinus hypers
ensitivity and post-prandial syncope. Head-up tilt testing has become
the diagnostic tool of choice for the evaluation of patients with recu
rrent neurogenic syncope, providing an acceptable sensitivity and high
specificity that is largely dependent on the type of tilt protocol us
ed to induce neurogenic syncope. This chapter will review the pathophy
siology, diagnosis and therapeutic approach to the patient with neurog
enic syncope.