To explore potential molecular chaperones involved in the intracellula
r assembly of laminin chains, bovine aortic endothelial cells were tre
ated with a thiol cleavable divalent cross-linking reagent, dithio-bis
-(succinimidylpropionate), and cellular proteins cross-linked to lamin
in chains were co-immunoprecipitated with anti-laminin antiserum. Sodi
um dodecylsulfate (SDS) gel electrophoresis of the precipitate under r
educing condition showed polypeptides with estimated sizes of 80, 60 a
nd 50 kDa together with laminin chains. Two dimensional electrophoresi
s, in which non-reducing and reducing SDS electrophoresis were combine
d, suggested that many molecules of these polypeptides were cross-link
ed to each laminin chain. Sepharose CL-4B beads conjugated with E8 fra
gment of mouse laminin-l was prepared. Affinity chromatography with th
e beads of microsomal proteins from rat liver showed that Bip and HSP7
0 associated to laminin chains and dissociated upon ATP hydrolysis. Pr
otein-disulfide isomerase also showed affinity to the column. GRP94 an
d calnexin showed strong affinity and were washed out only with a dete
rgent solution. Thus, many molecular chaperones are suggested to be in
volved in the intracellular assembly of laminin chains.